This Impressive Bouquet Includes Red Roses Accented With Assorted Greenery, Delivered In A Flared Glass Vase, Approximately W X H, This Item Is Handarranged And Delivered By Enchanted Florist, All Prices In Us Dollars.
Wow, wow, wow! Three dozen spectacularly gorgeous red roses artistically arranged in a dazzling flared glass vase. This amazing bouquet is called "Breathtaking Beauty," and it is more than worthy of the name. Someone is going to be speechless.
That's what your special someone deserves and a stunning bouquet of four dozen premium long-stem red roses delivers in spectacular style! (Vase/Basket style may vary)
Classic Urn Vase  , Foliage: Leather Leaf, Myrtle   , Red Roses   , Misty Blue Limonium.
This vase of brilliant roses in a variety of colors of your choice is an elegant and natural way to say, "I love you." Truly a classic for a reason, these dozen roses will turn the romance all the way up! Call our shop or order online today!
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Sparks will fly when they see this bouquet! The delicate pink roses pair beautifully with purple statice, giving this arrangement an extra bit of beauty. Take standard roses to the next level with the Half Dozen Pink Roses bouquet! They're the perfect way to show how much you care.
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
The Lovely Bouquet Includes Lavender Roses, Light Pink Roses, Pink Roses, Light Pink Spray Roses And Lavender Spray Roses Accented With Assorted Greenery, Approximately W X H, This Item Is Handarranged And Delivered By Enchanted Florist, All Prices In Us Dollars.
Feminine and fabulous, this spectacular bouquet of lavender and pink spray roses in a chic cylinder vase is guaranteed to leave her speechless. Until she says how much she loves you for choosing this absolutely incredible array.
Striking! 12, 18 or 24 beautiful long stem pink roses are arranged with baby blue eucalyptus in a cinched glass hurricane. She deserves your extravagance.
Hand designed and delivered by Enachanted Florist of Cape Coral.
This is our best deal yet! Picked fresh from the farm, 50 stems of our premium long stem red roses create a fantastic surprise for your special someone with its abundance of swirling blooms. Hand gathered at select floral farms and displaying a rich red hue, this long stem rose bouquet has been picked fresh for you to help you bring on the romance when celebrating an anniversary, to help you say, "I love you", or to simply let them know they are always on your mind.
Bouquet includes 50 stems of red roses. Available with or without a classic clear glass vase.
How much do you love them? Count the ways from 1 to 100 with this lush and luxurious bouquet of 100 romantic premium long-stem red roses. The ultimate "I love you," this spectacular rose arrangement is artistically hand-designed by our expert florists to help express your feelings perfectly. A truly original gift your one-and-only will never forget.
Extravagantly romantic gathering of 100 stunning premium long-stem red roses, hand-designed by Enchanted Florist of Cape Coral to deliver a guaranteed "wow"
Hand-designed in a clear glass vase for a touch of simple yet classic elegance
Nothing says "I Love You" more clearly than the rose. Whether it's a first date, first anniversary or the fiftieth, ENCHANTED FLORIST OF CAPE CORAL can help you find the perfect gift of roses for your sweetheart. Browse our selection online or call us for custom a rose creation. No matter where you need to send roses, ENCHANTED FLORIST OF CAPE CORAL in Cape Coral can help!